unfavorable position

unfavorable positionunfavorable position
  1. " Latecomers ' Unfavorable Position " and the Development Strategies of Emerging Technology for Firms in China


  2. Though Chinese furniture industry is on the largest scale , Chinese furniture is in an unfavorable position in competition .


  3. However , the unfair treatment it endures in many fields puts it in an unfavorable position in the competition with state economy and foreign capital economy .


  4. The means is not reasonable because it refuses to consider cost advantages of products exported , which causes China to be in an unfavorable position .


  5. We got the best and the most unfavorable position when the train must be stopped randomly . ( 3 ) Drivers and crew have played a big role .


  6. The most unfavorable position of three-span prestressed concrete continuous box girder is located at the bottom of top plate of mid-section in the middle span .


  7. Analyze the different structure under different load combination of the stress condition , it is concluded that the stress distribution law , find out the stress distribution of the most unfavorable position . 5 .


  8. One party uses such means as fraud , coercion or taking advantage of the other party 's unfavorable position to sign the labor contract against his or her genuine will ;


  9. According to the distribution of stress under use loading , some unfavorable position of the structure and the rule of stress of distribution were found out , put forward and some suggestions on this basis were also given .


  10. At the same time , institutional discrimination and right insufficiency lead to the inheritance and long existence of migrant workers ' unfavorable position . And even their basic labor reproduction is in danger .


  11. Despite being in an initially unfavorable position as regards availability of capital , cheap and skilled labor , sails and iron fittings , the American shipbuilding industry forged ahead .


  12. Last , cultural resources dose not integrate with curriculum provision and the superiority and features also not to be reflected in the education that caused colleges under unfavorable position in competition of occupation comparing with universities .


  13. Detrimental to the marine ecological system , those oil spill accidents has brought disastrous economic losses to the local fishery , aquaculture and tourism and put economic development and marine environmental protection in an unfavorable position .


  14. The second chapter included building the finite element model and static analysis , and the latter was to study the stress state of structure influenced by material load compared to other loads , and the most unfavorable position under the static loadings .


  15. Through analyzing Chinese enterprises'advantages and the new challenge which they are facing in the economic globalization , the article draws that domestic enterprises are in extremely unfavorable position during nowadays international economic environment , mainly because of the general lack of the core competence .


  16. As an important part of Chinese financial set-up , the middle and small banks are in an obvious unfavorable position , facing double competition from foreign banks and the national banks after acceding to WTO , because of congenital deficient and postnatal restrictions .


  17. Since the market information is of strong asymmetry and abstains from market power , it endows the smallholders with no full power to set price or bargain , which leave them in an unfavorable position and ultimately their benefits cannot be guaranteed .


  18. With unlocking of our financial transaction , the foreign banks will gradually get the right for competing with the domestic bank on an equal basis , and present low risk management level of domestic bank will make their out of unfavorable competitive position .


  19. As one of the backward provinces in western China , the economic development in Ningxia is rather slow and the capital accumulation capability is rather poor due to its unfavorable geographic position , in addition the lack of funds has been the chief factor that restricts its economic development .
